Golf Chipping Tips by Jackie Burke Jr.

Jack Burke wrote the following golf chipping chips:

The average ninety-shooter has trouble playing a chip simply because he does not understand the na- ture of the shot. Usually he putts the ball with an iron, and calls it a chip.

Simply bunting the ball with an iron from the fringe of the green does not constitute a chip. Unless one particular motion is applied to it, such a shot depends almost entirely on luck. This motion is down- ward, the essential action in all iron shots.

The chip is, in essence, a billiard shot. I don’t care if the pin is ten feet away or a hundred, the ball still must be hit down upon. This imparts spin to the ball, and spin means control. Without a downward blow you are not taking advantage of the loft, which is built into each iron for a purpose. That’s why the manufacturer made nine of them.

A ball hit flatly with an iron can do little more than bounce off the face of it. Hitting the ball in this fash- ion, you might just as well play the game with a baseball bat.

To create a golf shot, rather than just bat it, the ball must ride on the face of the club, held there by




The turf against which you hit down until the com- pression of the ball propels it forward. This holds true whether the ball is hit 200 yards or 200 inches.


The downward blow of the chip-The essential action in all iron shot. This imparts spin which, in turn, gives you control.

The forward direction in which the ball is propelled is, as I have implied, built into the iron by the manu- facturer. Beyond generating a certain amount of clubhead speed, there is nothing you can do to in- crease this.

But to take full advantage of it, you must hit down on the ball. This is the only way in which the ball can ride as high on the face of it as the manufacturer in- tended.

Get confidence in the loft of your irons from the chip. Learn how much of the work they can do for you when you hit down on the ball. This knowledge will erase your fear of the longer irons.

Concentrating on the downward blow, the chip is addressed and struck basically the same as the putt.



Set confidence in the loft of your irons from the chip. This will erase your fear of the longer irons

plane with your shoulders, how and where you place your feet is a matter of comfort. I place mine close to- gether and well open to the cup. By doing this I get the sensation that my target is lying in my lap.

There are several schools of thought on how to judge a chip. Some contend you should judge the roll and let the ball land where it may. Others say you should pick a spot on the green for the ball to land, and let the roll take care of itself.

Possibly the simplest method is to judge the chip by the manner in which it would react if you rolled it by hand toward the cup. Unless you feel you can al- ready visualize this, practice it.

Roll the ball underhand. Then transfer the results to the proper technique of the chip. This is the most practical way to attune your muscles. Afterward, judging a chip is a matter of using your imagination.

Let’s treat here the popular myth about the follow- through.

The average golfer’s thinking works on the principle that if he follows through, the ball takes care of itself. This is putting the cart before the horse.

A correct follow-through is the result of a well-hit ball, not the cause of it. An incorrect follow-through is premeditated, resulting in an upswing. Most mis- hit irons are caught on the upswing, the inevitable result of a conscious follow-through.

By thinking in terms of the follow-through you are least apt to accomplish what the follow-through is supposed to do-shift your weight.


Actually, a follow-through is the unavoidable result of hitting down on the ball. How well you follow


through will be determined by how well you hit down.

Herein lies the importance of hitting down on the ball, not only on the chip, but on all iron shots.

A follow-through is the unavoidable result of hitting down on the ball. In this chip-shot, the follow-through- although not deliberate-is nevertheless natural and adequate.

This is an excerpt from a book in the Online Classics Golf Library, an ever-expanding collection of golf books. Membership and lifetime access to the OCG library can be yours with your purchase of

Break 80 Without Practice,

A complete guide to score improvement for those with little time to work on their game AND A TURBOCHARGE for those that do.

Craig’s take: If you spend more of your time chipping using these tips, your long game will naturally get better. Give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised when your long irons and fairway woods start becoming straighter by virtue of you relaxing more knowing that your chipping game will always bring you out of it.  This game is all about confidence and when you have that, your best performances come out and you play the game with your unconscious mind. That’s the goal!

  • AD says:

    I do will try out and get back to you at the earliest. Thanks

    • Craig says:

      Thanks for commenting AD

      Greens and fairways,

  • Neeraj says:

    Thank you so much. Warm rgds

  • reg shanhan says:

    Yep what you say makes lot of sense
    a Few weeks back in an 18 Hole Comp I chipped in a Total of Five (5) times That day I am sure I had an agel ridding on my shoulder

    • Craig says:

      Wow Reg, that’s amazing. I would be replaying those chips in my mind every time I set up for a chip today!
      Greens and fairways,

  • Reg Mason says:

    A great common sense Tip

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